Saturday 29 August 2015

Refining Three Points - Part Three

Finally, I have completed my last point from my top three. Again, I have created three potentials, as my final final design. So here goes nothin'...
'Listen to the spirits of the wind; Their wisdom and experience holds no bounds' - What I mean by this point is to trust in fate and destiny just that little bit more. Nothing is ever set in stone on this world and it most likely wont be in the next. So listen to your gut, take the advice of your elders, learn from the young and always have fun. Let the gentle breeze of the earth guide you into your forever undefined kismet. 

So let's see if my designs live up to the meaning... 

No. 1

This piece derived all from the elephants. My original idea was to have a herd walking through the water with cloud of memories towards an unknown fate ; however this did not work in the way I hoped because it looked just awful. Therefore, I used a photograph I took of my sister, in the midst of Sardegna, Italy. I have not manipulated the image in any way, other than using a Native Alien font in white and adding my three little elephants.I really do like this piece, because the colours work so well. I kept my elephants because, whenever I think of them I see them walking in a herd / family. Always walking, stopping occasionally but looking something new and exciting. 

No. 2 

This piece, it's a completely different style to the other pieces I have done. I tried so hard to use something other than photography - for a sense of variation. This one is just simply, simple. With the outlines and silhouette of three windmill, instead of a spiritual / bohemian approach, I decided to go for something basic and easy to understand. I chose the windmills because obviously their whole purpose if to listen and abide by the winds command. For the background I have used a gradient effect to symbolise change - It may be gradual, but it's always persistant.

No. 3 

This is a template of a piece that I would hand make. The idea here is to have this modified but vintage dreamcatcher variation. So let me talk you through this idea properly. 
My inspiration was a tie hanger that I found from Ikea, but it was so big that I just could not possibly use it for my final, final outcome. So I decide that if I were to make it, I would cut up some metal wire, make my rings and wrap ribbons around the wire, to make it aesthetically pleasing to my audience and I. Whilst travelling around Cagliari, I found a cute local shop that sold trinkets, ranging from pea size small to extravagant OTT earrings. These trinkets would be sewn into the centre of its allocated circle, whilst in the others there would be materials that I have collected over the years. In the big section, I will sew in the point 'Listen to the spirits....' into a piece of cross-stitch paper. Then, finally the last two centre circles would contain a miniature version of my favourite design from my other two points. I have decided to do this because, together they are strong points that really compliment one another. The two that I decide on will not over power the main point which would be 'Listen to the spirits....' I feel there is a sense of balance using all three point together. 

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