Tuesday 11 August 2015

Anti-Design Festival's Manifesto

Created in the response of the pretty, commercialised London Design Festival: The Anti-Design Festival  is all about indulging in the confusion and experiments and risks! The ADF's manifesto is one of the most influential pieces in design history.

This manifesto talks about the our lives are more dependant on technology and the views of those around us. How we as individuals, who have different lives which take us into a variety of place, live the same as everybody else. Having the same toys and glasses, the same hair styles and shoes. The manifesto highlights how nothing is seen to be unique od one of a kind any more.

I like this manifesto's depth in the text, it is different from other ones where it's all about design. This manifesto is about our lives that are being lived through others as well as ourselves. I also like the limited colour used - it really sets the piece off, giving it a fresh look. The change in size of the type is quite alluring as a viewer, and the illustration on the right of the second picture. It almost symbolises that nowadays, we all stem from the same things and trying to evolve out into our own can be quite the challenge. 

Adore this one!!!

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