Monday 17 August 2015

Refining Three Points - Part One

After a whole day of designing, I have refined the first of my three chosen points. 
Just to back track a bit, the three points I decided to choose from my final ten were 
  • Be humble, honest and true
  • Live in the tales of the unknown mysteries 
  • Listen to the spirits of the wind, their wisdom and experience has no bounds
The first point I started designing with was 'Live in the tales of the unknown mysteries', which was originally shown as 'The most enticing mysteries are the ones that can never be solved' in my final ten. 
What I am trying to imply with this point, is that we need to be impulsive. There's already so much we know, but there's a million more things that we have no clue about. Whether it's a building that has been abandoned for years, just a few minutes away, or it's something mind blowing, like the theory of life.  Living with knowledge is great, we know our common sense and the good from the bad. But trekking across lands that are desolate and unfamiliar, there is just something that triggers my gut to go forward and adventure!

So lets get a lookin'...

No. 1

As I have peaked an interest in photography, I started with a photograph that I took of a local park that I visit quite regularly (Witton Lakes Park). 
I started my process off by scanning and placing my photo into Adobe Illustrator. Then, I changed the look of the actual photograph by using a chalk and charcoal effect - this is to create a black and white version of the image. 
Rummaging around the house, I found a few different kinds of damaged papers from previous briefs and projects. Scanning one of the damaged papers, I changed the opacity to 55%, and placed the paper on top of my photograph. Bottom, middle is the point from my manifesto 'Live in the tales of the unknown mysteries' in an Edwardian Script ITC font, size 28pt. 

I really like this piece because it has so much character, and from a bright, vibrant photo, it has transformed into a piece of the past. 
However, looking at the image now, I do believe the size of the font could stand to be bigger, to be more noticeable. 


For this piece, I used a second photo from the same park as above. After scanning the photo into the computer, I copied and reflected the photo, and changed the opacity to 50% -  to create an image that looks as if the viewer/ audience is peering into the park itself. After that, I used a cosmic image as the background with greyish undertones to highlight the patterns of the background. For the type, I used the font Sitka, size 20pt. 

I quite like this piece as it allows the viewers to perceive the photo from a different perspective. I really like the cosmic patterns, because they are so intricately simple. I love simplicity. The park itself is like a maze, there are so many hidden spots that are undiscovered, that hold such beauty. Which is what this piece is indicating. 

No. 3 

Following with my theme of Witton Lakes Park, I changed my photograph with a Fresco effect. This was to keep the colour of photo, whilst having an enriched, wholesome feel. Using a couple of the damaged papers I found, I added a Conté Crayon effect, changed the opacity to to 39% and placed it on top of the photograph. With the second papers (with the writing), I added a Photocopy effect with an opacity change of 24%, and sandwiched the paper in between the photo and first paper. 

With this piece, I used some papers that had writing on it, complimented with a flock of birds. It's set like a page taken from an unknown diary. Nobody knows where it originates from, who's it is, where it has been. To imply a sense of esoterica.   

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