Sunday 30 August 2015

My Final, Final Design!

It's been a full day of designing  once again, and finally I have completed this project and my project outcome. 
So let's go through my creative day, shall we... 

Firstly I decided on the point I wanted to use, which was 'Listen to the spirits of the wind; Their wisdom and experience holds no bounds'. Then I chose my most favourite design from the three that I produced. which was this one - 

I chose to create this idea, as it was very different from all my previous ones. Also I really like the fact that I could incorporate one of each, of all my ideas into the one piece. 
So once my decision was made, I started on my preparations for the structure of the design.

What I did, was use the wire from a metal wired garden fence to create my structure of the design. Using a reel of tape and a coaster holder I moulded the metal wire into my acquired shapes. 
My second action was to create my colour scheme - which was a range of navy to baby blue, with elements of white, and some bursts of bright colours. After all the metal wire was decorated, I added my favourite trinkets, that I thought were very in keeping with my theme. I also created the dreamcatchers, with small multicoloured beads. 
  • Elephant - to symbolise travel and remembrance/memories.
  • Flower - to symbolise delicacy and beauty.
  • Clock - to symbolise time 

The next thing I worked on was the stitching for the main quote of my design; using a maroon/burgundy coloured stitch onto a piece of cross-stitch materiel. Once the wording was all stitched on, I used a blanket stitch to coat the metal wiring.

For this project, I used many of my personal ephemera (trinkets etc...), this is because I like to live my life in a level headed, spiritual way. Appreciating the littlest of things and enjoying the experience to the fullest! 

My final outcome:

I am quite happy with what I have produced, so let's have a look at my before and after.

Original Design - 

Design Produced - 

Here is what I have produced from my day; It is just a tiny bit bigger than an A5 paper. I really like this, because it is really welcoming and homely. I am very happy with my outcome today , however I do believe I could have used something stronger for a structure, because as you can see it is quite malleable. (I really like the small versions my other two designs from the other two points, they fit in very nicely and do no over power the main point in the middle.)

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