Sunday 16 August 2015

Officially Ten Points

After much deliberation on my original twenty, and a lot of in depth research; I have finally nailed down ten of my points that I adore and genuinely live by everyday.
The use of second person within my points, is not to force or indicate that one should live by these points (I assure you that I am not recruiting).  I have used second person because, it is simply the emphasis that it holds for my points and their symbolization. 

  1. Believe in silly things 
  2. Listen to the spirits of the wind, their wisdom and experience holds no bounds. 
  3. Do the things you want, not everything needs logic. (Do it for the shits and giggles)
  4. Hope to say, when all your days are done - "I had my fun". 
  5. Dreams/Nightmares - who says when your actually awake? 
  6. Do not be disheartened by the things you can not control. (Shit happens)
  7. What I love most about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice. The waters always changing, always flowing. 
  8. Be humble, honest and true. 
  9. Mistakes are our errors in life. Sometimes we get the message, sometimes we don't.
  10. The most enticing mysteries are the ones that can never be solved. 

One of my favourites out of the ten, is number ten. I love mysteries, they bring all kinds of emotions out. Each mystery is the story of the unknown, and what's more exciting and intense than not knowing something. 
So I looked into some of the unsolved mysteries of Art History, I found a really good website. 

Another point that I like, is number five. To me a dream/nightmare is the life of my subconscious, a life where I can do or see, and understand more than in my concious life.  

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