Monday 31 August 2015

My Evaluation

Last thing to do now is my evaluation,then this project will be over.
So let's start from the beginning...

At the start of these summer holidays I was asked to create my own manifesto that was either a 'personal mission statement' or 'an expression of my creative and personal goals'.

Original Brief:

My original plan was to do a personal mission statement, however as my time with this project progressed, my points started to cross over into an expression of my creative and personal goals as a designer. This was because, I made my points to the way I live my life and how I channel my creativity into a visual aid. 
Abiding by the brief, I was to create my own blog and use it how I would use a sketchbook; research a series of manifesto designs; compose ten points for my own; thumbnail/design an array of pieces from three chosen points; finally produce an A5 design for my favourite point out my chosen three. 
I have successfully fulfilled the brief, by doing each of these processes with much depth and consideration. 

So lets talk about my strengths, weaknesses and improvements...

I believe there is always an improvement to be made with my time handling skills. I definitely need to work on using a timetable or set plan when carrying out a brief/ project. Another would be to add a long piece of wood or something, to make the hanging of the structure more robust, and for it to fall will that little bit more of ease. Something else I could have done was to make the design double sided, just to look aesthetically pleasing all around. 

I think that my main weakness for this project was the the metal wiring for the structure of my final design - It really needed to be made of a stronger metal (maybe thicker too)  -  as the one I have used is too malleable. I reckon that one a larger scale that this would have turned out a lot stronger, structure wise - but I had to follow the brief like it was my personal bible.

Strengths for this project: I have done a variety of research on designers manifestos, a few in depth design movements, as well as manifestos I found by surfing the web. I also feel that using the amount of ephemera and photography I have collected over the years, has really strengthened my design and all the work leading up to it. I believe that incorporating all three of my chosen points has set my design in a different path to other ones. 

All in all though, I am quite happy with what I have produced. It is very homely and welcoming design, and it certainly emphasises my point to the fullest as it is all about connecting within yourself: To enjoy, listen and be considerate of yourself and those around you. The main point it to listen to your surroundings, to be humble, to live in the moment, to just be HAPPY. Happiness is so hard to find in the world of today, where everybody is so rushed or too tired for living life to the fullest that they can. 
I truly believe that for this brief, I have produced a strong, soft-spoken mobile that is beautiful, peaceful and quite simple. It's not in your face with design or colour and it doesn't over power a room. The mobile design sits comfortable on the wall, the ceiling, out in the garden or on the front door, anywhere....   

Here it is, one last time, completed:

That's it now, I am finished with this project
So I bid thee a farewell 


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