Monday 27 July 2015

Manifesto IDEAS

Here, is a small list of manifesto points I have been working on over the last few weeks. From these twenty phrases/statements, I will adapt and whittle down ten points; to use in my personal manifesto. 
Looking around the internet, I found this website to be most helpful and encouraging towards my cause. 

So here goes nothin'...
  1. Believe in silly things. 
  2. Be unpredictable - Always keep them guessing, it's more fun that way.
  3. "Out of the box". Nope, someone's already beaten you to it.                                                    In the box. It's magnificently simple.
  4. Take the glasses off once in a while, you'll have two versions of everything. 
  5. Let the rain take you swimming;                                                                                                   Let the sun inspire your mind;                                                                                                     Let the wind guide your path.
  6. Observe, learn, play.
  7. What I love most about rivers is, you can't step in the same river twice. The waters always changing, always flowing. 
  8. Listen to the spirits of the wind, their wisdom and experiences hold no bounds.
  9. Do the things you want, not everything has to have logic. (Do it for the shits and giggles)
  10. Do not be disheartened by the things you can not control. (Shit happens)
  11. Walk with those who both embrace and neglect you, you will understand so much more. 
  12. Go with the flow, you never know what's going to happen next... 
  13. Your life. Your story.
  14. Everyday could truly be your last, so seize every single moment.
  15. Be humble, honest and true.
  16. Rebel! The smallest things, can lead to the biggest changes. 
  17. Mistakes are the best errors in life. 
  18. Hope to say, when all your days are done; "I had my fun". 
  19. Open the window, let the breeze come in. Forget everything.
  20. The most enticing mysteries, are the ones that can never be solved.  
That's it folks, enjoy your day!!! :) 

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