Saturday 27 June 2015

The Why & The What?

The Why:

As a Graphic Designs student, I have heard the word 'Manifesto' many a time, but never really thought much of it; other than a word my tutors throw at us amongst other phrases. But now, on my summer break, I have been given the assignment to not only research about these manifesto's, but to create a ten point notion that can either be personal, or about the ethics and myself in the world of design. 

So, I guess we best get started...

What is a Manifesto?

A manifesto is a published, verbal proclamation of intentions, aims or objectives (Opinions), that are more often seen in the nature of politics or art and design.
It is a set of guidelines that an individual or group lives by during the course of a day, a year, or even a lifetime. Whether it is to play fairly and be nice; to live a more daring, care free life; to even pray that little bit more. Even religions are full of many small and large manifesto's also known as 'Creeds'. Like the 10 commandments for example, a set of rules to abide by during the course of your lifetime - 'Thou shall not steal', 'Thou shall not make idols' etc... 

They and other manifesto's are to direct us into a brighter and more successful life, that we as individuals can be proud of and hold our heads up high to say, "Yes, I can and I will do it!". 

Well that's a wrap for today, off to do some more research and analysis for this excitable brief of mine. 

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