Saturday 27 June 2015

Initial Thoughts

Starting on my manifesto research;
Some pics from Pinterest and good, old reliable Google. 


Initially, when I searched for manifestos, I was looking for the more art and design ones, you know, because Graphics student here. Looking for this certain theme, I found this snip-it of Bruce Mau's 'Incomplete Manifesto for Change'. The points, yes they are valid, but it's all your basic "Reach for the stars" and "Your mind has no limits"  kind of stuff. 
I know, I know, as a Graphic Design student I should stick to what is asked of me - which is to research into art and design manifesto's to influence and inspire my own - but I couldn't help but see the millions of random and equally legitimate manifesto's the world has to offer. 

For example, everybody needs to let their inner rebel out... 

This manifesto is all about letting go, enjoying yourself, and what life has to offer. Forget those who walk against you and embrace the ones who walk with you;
 Your life will be way more positive if you did. 
Here are a few others that I found quite interesting -> Layouts, Wording, Photography etc...

I really quite like the concept behind this, and the photography. 
It has been hand rendered (Hand-made) and is just concise and simple.
 Although, I feel as it is lacking something which I can't quite pin-point. 

This manifesto is more like a set of resolutions, it's guidelines are things each and every one of us, as humans wish to abide by and stay true to. 
It also showcases the work of manual and digital labour using both photography and type.

This one, I liked because, it shows that even the people we don't usually think of, have a code to live by too. Also, I just found it interesting, almost like I was peeking into the life of a director. (Just for a few seconds)
This is a perfect example of digitally creating a manifesto. A mix of small and large type and a rule of two colours - so that one point shall not over ride another, as all are equal and each to their own.

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