Sunday 6 September 2015

Gardens of the Earth

As my final, final post on this blog; I have been asked to take three photographs of my final piece, in three different locations. Now, these locations can be complimentary to the point or contradicting it. 
Therefore, I decided to use gardens that are located around my area - by this I mean parks, actual gardens, lakes etc... 

Just to recap, here is my final piece:

So let's get a lookin' at what I've got.

  • My first photograph was taken in my back yard, hanging on the branch of the plant and just in-front of my pond. 

  • My second photograph was taken in the local cemetery in my area. Sitting on the right hand side of this statue.

  • My third photograph, was taken in one of the many local parks, my piece sits on a wooden pergola in the midst of gooseberries and vines.

The reason I chose these specific places is because, the point for my final piece reads - 'Listen to the spirits if the wind; Their wisdom and experience holds no bounds.'
Choosing the location of my back garden is to highlight the a peaceful wisdom that every garden holds. The cemetery was to emphasise the work of the spirits around/ within us and all what they have been through. The local park was to imply a sense of growth with the gooseberries around the piece, and the influence that the small/ simple things have on our minds. I chose to take these photographs outside, because of the gentle breeze of the wind; the soothing atmosphere of nature; that wisdom and experience that really do hold no bounds. 

Another thing that was asked of me by my tutors, was to recite the alphabet with photographs of everyday shapes/ objects. Then using the images, to create one word chosen from my final point. 
Here is my photographic alphabet...

And here is my re-created word...

I chose the word wisdom, because everybody focus' on experience. Yes experience is important, but we all seem to forget about the the lessons learnt from sed experiences. To restore and maintain a sense of balance within ourselves and our everyday lives we must always remember the wisdom of others, which is why I chose the word.